Do you ever have the feeling that time is just slipping from your hands and you have no control? That's how I feel about this past month. In October we had 11 appointments including speech and physical therapy appointments, well check ups, sick appoints, and multiple appoints with Specialists and getting blood drawn. That didn't include Connor's therapy.
We also made the decision to switch to Private therapy for Speech, OT, and PT. Which means we will be meeting at a location instead of having therapy at our house. I'm not excited about being gone so much from the house but I'm excited about the progress we are going to see. Starting next week my weekdays are going to be very busy. Connor's school is Monday-Friday. I'll get him out of school early on Mondays for Speech and OT. Then Tuesday and Thursdays I'll pick him up early for PT. Wednesdays we see the Chiropractor, thank goodness that takes all of 5 minutes. Oh and Tuesdays we see an individual that works on Connor and him hearing sounds. But thats at the house. Sounds like a lot, huh. Thank goodness I have my parents to help with Hunter. That would be a lot to drag him around too.
Speaking of Hunter. Tuesday the 18th, my sweet boy turns 3! I can't believe it. He's just so much fun to be around. I love him so. Its been fun seeing his personality develop and watching him figuring out what he likes and doesn't like. Its also been neat seeing him slowly fall into the role of a big brother. He's really going to be the best big brother for Connor.
Back to updating Connor. We have two big appointments coming up. We have a sleep study next Wednesday. Please pray for Connor that it goes smoothly and that they don't find any major hiccups that can't be easily fixed. We've also decided that we will be putting in tubes and draining the fluid in both ears. My prayer is that will fix Connor's hearing. I'm a little nervous about him being sedated. We had scheduled this for the first part of December but it would be out here in the suburbs. I'm rethinking my decision and will probably change it to January (first available) in the medical center. This is also dependent on the approval from the cardiologist.
I have about a hundred more things that I could update you on but I think I've covered the most important stuff.
Before I go. A special thanks to everyone that has donated to the Rise Silent Auction happening a week from Thursday! I have the best support system for Connor.
Pumpkin Patch