Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Last post of the Year!

Once again, I have a ton of things to update on. Where to start, where to start?

Sleep Study- we are awaiting results. Follow up appointment is Jan. 7th. They said if there was something urgent then they would squeeze us in. So I'm gonna take not hearing from them as a good thing.

Cardiology- We saw the cardiologist before the sleep study and we had a scheduled echo. But he pushed it off until he is 2. Once again, another good thing.

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)- December 2nd we had tubes put in, fluid drained and adenoids removed. Everything went smoothly! Recovery took about 2 weeks before he was completely himself again. We have a big Praise here! About a week ago his congestion disappeared! No runny nose, no congestion when he's eating, he's sleeping better! Its awesome and we give God all the glory!

Part of the sleeping better is because Jason did a little sleep training. I did it with Hunter but for some reason I'm a whimp with Connor. But I guess thats why Jason and I make a good team. We balance each other out in so many areas.

Two weeks ago, our OT at our school called and said that she was attending a Feeding Course at Texas Children's Hospital and they needed some demos. So the speech therapist from North Carolina assessed Connor. We got some great pointers on things to assist him with when eating.

Our private therapy with OT, Speech and PT has been great. One of the best decisions we made to go privately. They just have more experience and equipment then ECI can give. I'm just thankful for the insurance we have.

Our PT (physical therapist) has recommended that we get Connor orthodic inserts. These will go inside his shoes and help strength his feet. Pray that this is only short term. Its not a big deal but I'd love for it to not be one more thing! We were hoping to get this done before the new year, since we've hit our deductible but thats not gonna happen. Oh well. I guess it will help us meet our deductible and coinsurance quicker next year.

We got to visit Santa and I think we got the Perfect picture ever!

Raising an Extra needs child (I've started saying extra instead of special because all our kids have some kid of issues) has also been such a reminder for me on how I need to depend on Jesus and ask him for help!  I'm not gonna lie. Its hard but I wouldn't change my life. 

Here is a quick review from 2014! Please continue to pray for us (specifically for me) in the decisions I have to make for Connor and Hunter. Pray that God continues to provide for us financially so that I can continue to stay home! 

Thanks again for loving on our family and praying for us!