Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Well, Hello 2015

Someone once told me when it comes to raising kids, the days seem long and the years are short. Whoever came up with that is a pure genus. I can't believe another year is gone. You know what else I can't believe (or maybe i can, lol) We are in day 7 and we have almost hit our deductible and are on our way to hitting our coinsurance. I guess its good to get it done in the first part of the year.

Our long awaited Sleep Study happened today. So here it is: Connor has mild apnea. His oxygen level never dropped below 87% which is good, he stopped breathing 3.5x in an hour, and 10x when he was in his REM cycle. Now this was before he had his adenoids removed, fluid drained and tubes put in. 1.  I believe it was God's healing hands and that surgery that cleared his congestion. 2. If the study had been done after the surgery the results might have been different. But please continue to pray the congestion doesn't return and pray for me to trust God and not worry about the congestion coming back. Seriously, I'm so insecure about it. Especially because I've seen how much happier he is.
This was Connor at his sleep study

So what's next now that we have those results? To consult with the Pulmonologist and the ENT doctors. This coming monday we have a follow up appointment with our ENT dr. for the surgery and I'll visit with him. Our neurologist (who told me the results of the study), said he might want to have his tonsils removed, or just wait, or even do another sleep study (woohoo, I hope this is the one that is chosen-in my most sarcastic voice). We are also seeing the ENT doctor to see if his hearing has improved. Please pray with me that he passes his hearing test with flying colors. If not, they will have to do what is called an ABR. Connor had this done at about a month old. But because he is older he will now have to be sedated. Kids with Down Syndrome are known to have a harder time coming out of sedation. And plus I'd rather not put unnecessary junk in his body if I don't have to.

Another area you can pray for Connor on is his acid reflux. Pray that God heals his body and we won't have to deal with that challenge anymore.

Our Physical Therapist suggested that we get orthotics for Connor. So we have that appointment tomorrow. Orthotics are special inserts that go into his shoes that will strengthen Connors ankles. Which will help him stand and walk. (Can you see how we are hitting our deductible and coinsurance so quickly) But seriously. I'm so thankful that our insurance covers them and that Jason has such a great job and great insurance.

Connor starts school on Tuesday! Although I've really enjoyed my time with him, I'm ready for him to go back. They are just so good at what they do.

Just a reminder- World Down Syndrome Day is March 21st- It was so emotional for me to see so many people taking selfies of themselves, their kids, and family wearing yellow and blue and holding up signs that said We love you Connor! Look, I'm getting emotional right now thinking about it. I made the most amazing book for him and I'm hoping its just out of control this year. Here are a couple from last year.

OMG I had to practice self control. I just wanted to add all of them!

April 25th- Is Connor's schools annual 5k run and walk! We would love for you to join our family in the walk. I'll have more details the closer we get.

Hunter is doing great! i love when I walk in on him kissing his brother on the forehead. What a special bond that they will have. He's growing by leaps and bounds and I just can't believe it. My first baby is growing up to be a little man.