Today we had ECI (early childhood intervention) came out to assess Connor today. ECI is a program that serves families with children that have developmental delays or disabilities. Connor automatically qualified due to his Down Syndrome diagnosis. They offer services like Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy to name a few. They determined that Connor will get Occupational Therapy 2x a month and then an Early Childhood specialist (there was a different name but I can't remember) will also come in 2x a week. So every week we will have someone visiting and working with Connor. The way i look at things is that I'll work with him mostly and they will supplement by showing me what I need to be doing to make him stronger and hit is developmental milestones!
I think its hard for me to believe we have a child with special needs because Connor is just a newborn. I think it will get a little more real as he grows and might be delayed. But I can't imagine any other person raising him. I'm thankful that God choose us and that we accepted. We accepted the moment I said no to genetic testing. I had several people ask me if I regret not getting genetic testing and being able to prepare. My first comment is why? The outcome wouldn't have changed our mind. We don't believe in abortion. Each life is valuable and each child is created in God's image. Plus I think I would have just worried the entire pregnancy
I've had so many people reach out to me that I don't know that are connected to Down Syndrome! Its awesome! One mom posted this on her status: Someone had commented on her adopted son with DS and said he doesn't even look like he has DS. That person said maybe God is pulling one over on them and healing him. Here are her thoughts "While we do live in a broken world... I'm finding that so many things that in our human understanding we would wish away, are really the things that bring us closer to a good God, uproot sin in our lives and through may bring temporary suffering ultimately bring a deeper joy and a much more lasting peace. If we viewed life as God does... I don't think we would want to "heal" DS or any other special need"
Even though I hurt for my son, both my sons. This is not heaven. And its through the hard situations and challenges that will bring us closer to Him. So my prayer is that anyone that has interaction with me, my boys or my husband will see Christ in us and be impacted by that!
Beautiful Mandy... keep blogging. You have such a beautiful story to tell.