Wednesday, April 2, 2014

First Neurology appt

We were able to squeeze Connor in to be see for the flatness on the back of the head. They took a picture and some measurements. Long story short The Dr. Recommended a helmet. Boo. He would wear it 23 hours a day for 3-5 months. I did ask the Dr. If this effects brain development or is it just cosmetic? And it's just comestic. So here's the kicker. Since it's just cosmetic there is a chance that insurance won't cover it. Which means our portion could be anywhere from $1,800-$2,200. It takes 2-3 weeks to hear back from insurance on whether it's covered. It all depends on whether Bank of America checked a little box to cover cosmetic. Honestly, I really don't know how I feel about paying that. I need to do some research. Are there parents out there that turned down the helmet and their child's head turned out just fine? Or any regrets? 
Here's how you can pray. Pray that our insurance covers it. In the event that it doesn't pray that God would speak to both of us on whether we should pay it or not. 
One of our highlights of today was that Connor got to meet one of our old friends, Kristi Wilson Lewis. She works for Texas Children's and took a little break and joined us for our appointment. I loved having her there. Unfortunately I didn't think to snap a pic. But she got some good ones. 

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