I was on my way to pick up Connor for Physical Therapy. I wasn't in a rush, I had my cell phone in my purse, and no kids! I was distraction free. I was about a minute from Connor's school. I had just exited 288 and when you exit the road goes up and you hit a stop light. My light was green but as i was going I looked to my left and a car was coming pretty fast. I thought, this person is going to hit me, I laid on the break, and embraced the hit. The next thing I know, my sunglasses flew off. I remember thinking can I see? Because sometime I wear my glasses and was quickly reminded that they were sunglasses that landed on the floor. I was now facing the direction she was going. I was hit along the Drivers front side. The airbags exploded on drivers seat and all along the the left side. I couldn't put the car in gear. I remember getting out and it was slowly rolling, so I put on the emergency break. I tried to get out quick because when the airbags come out it smells like smoke and I didnt know if the car was on fire. We had no witness' except 2 homeless guys. I remember 1 going to check on the other car and then walking away. The other one, came to my car and grabbed a piece of it that had fallen off. As I'm watching him I'm on the phone with 911. The lady got out of her car and came over as I was finishing up the 911 call. She said her light was green. But she also told me that she was on her way to the hospital, her husband was having heart surgery and that she had to sign some papers. Which tells me she was distracted. She was also having trouble with her phone. Which makes me believe it was out and thrown from her hand. Whether she was on it, i'm not sure. I do remember her sitting in her car for a couple minutes before getting out. She also didn't have a driver's license. Anyway. I was a mess. I called Connor's school and they sent someone to be with me and get almost everything out of the car. We couldn't get any of the other doors to open, except the driver's side. What if one of the boys was in there and I couldn't get them out. I couldn't stop crying. I think its because i kept thinking, what if the boys were with me. What if Connor was in the car, its on his side. The policeman got there and we moved the car. Then i texted my friend Carly, who also has a child at Rise. She was working that day and wouldn't be at school, but as soon as she heard accident, she was on her way! She's so amazing. I LOVE HER! One other than I'd like to recall is the police officer called the homeless guy by name and grab the liter of alcohol he was drinking. He was pretty out of it. (Please note this paragraph is partly to share and partly for me to give to insurance if needed)
Here's where its important. Our church is asking for a commitment over the next two years that will go towards buying land, missions, and then our general fund. Last Sunday we made our commitment. On Monday Jason and I talked about giving more than what we committed too and we would pray over it. But we knew in our hearts what we were going to give. As I was waiting for the police, I knew this accident was because we were being obedient to Christ. We were doing what was BOLD for our family and Satan was trying to stop us. But you know what Satan, you just confirmed what we needed to do. Thanks for making that decision an easy one.
God is such a conductor in an orchestra. My parents were ready to get out of their lease with the Mini Van. Jason would have preferred we waited one more year, but the deal was so good, we knew the car was in amazing shape (thanks to my OCD dad), and we wanted the room to take extra kids with us. If we would have waited and If I would have been in the accord, I'm not sure what that would have looked like. Hunter had school, so my dad picked him up. That's why he wasn't in the car. So once again, I see and feel God's protection, His goodness, His strength, His mercy, His power, His grace all over what happened yesterday.
text me. got a new phone and lost all my contacts because i didn't back it up....wanna touch base. especially after this story!