Saturday, August 16, 2014

Why My Boys Take Fermented Cod Liver Oil

I've been wanting to write this post for awhile. Specifically for a friend whose daughter has eczema. I read all kinds of health blogs and have known we should be consistently taking FCLO because of all the benefits. I bought it when I was pregnant with Hunter but couldn't choke it down. So about 6 or 7 months ago I started Hunter and Connor on FCLO. At the beginning I had some resistance from Hunter but now he takes the chocolate flavor like a champ. And Connor, he's just a stud. I have him taking the unflavored liquid FCLO. You know, the stuff that I couldn't get down. Hunter has eczema and I've seen a huge difference in his skin. We haven't seen any eczema in Connor, so I'm hoping its the result of him taking FCLO preventatively.

So here's why we take it:

1. Its Rich in Vitamin D-

  • This supports Immune health and fights infections (Connor needs all the help he can get). 
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Low levels of Vitamin D are associated with thyroid (DS kids are known to have thyroid issues and I'd like to do all I can to help prevent)
2. Omega 3 fatty acid
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reverses Eczema-tightens pores of go tract and prevents toxins and pathogens and partially digested foods from entering the bloodstream and overwhelming the blood stream. Because immune system is partially wired to the gut, omega-3 fatty acids prevent hypersensitive reactions to immune system. Which means the ahi-inflammitory and anti-allergy properties of omega-3 can heal eczema. (
3. Rich in DHA
  • Brain development- why not take something that is non-synthetic
There are so many more benefits to FCLO but those are the top 3 reasons I have the boys taking it. 

We choose Green Pastures because of the way it is processed. Green Pasture extracts without heat and is preserved thru a slow fermentation process, keeping all the vitamins. 

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